Journey to the Mystical Lake Tangra Yumtso Embark on a captivating journey to Lake Tangra Yumtso, a revered site nestled in the heart of North Tibet. Starting from Nyima county, a mere 8 kilometres southwest leads you to a crossroad. Here, turn left and continue southwards for about 80 kilometres. Traverse a mountain pass at an elevation of 5,000 meters to enter the enchanting basin of Lake Tangra Yumtso. The Sacred Waters of Lake Tangra Yumtso A Holy Site for Bon Religion Followers Lake Tangra Yumtso, held sacred by followers of the Bon religion, lies in a deep lake basin alongside its sibling, Tangra Chotso. These twin lakes, once united, share a rich history, evident in their names - 'Tangra Chotso' in Tibetan. The unique feature of this lake is its ability to change colours up to three times a day, a phenomenon that adds to its mystical allure. The Majestic Tangra Yumtso Landscape The western bank of the lake is adorned with dark red cliffs, forming a natural screen that r...